
Territory and Itineraries - - Visit Palma di Montechiaro

The Monastery of Palma de Lichtenberg was built between 1653 and 1659 at the behest of the daughter of the Duke Giulio Tomasi, Isabella. The place that was actually beginning the first ducal palace Tomasi…
It stands atop a dramatic staircase and was built between 1666 and 1703. The author of the project was probably the architect sculptor Jesuit Fra Angelo Italy. It has a basilica plan with three naves…
Belongs to the period in which the hegemony of the aristocracy sanctioned role in marking its presence in houses with austere and solemn.The interior is enhanced by beautiful seventeenth-century wooden ceilings, including the most important…
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Meteo Agrigento

5 - Itineraries Parks literary

The province of Agrigento land of great writers and poets

4 - Itineraries Castels Chiaramontani

Guide on request

The ability to request a tour guide at the time of booking or subsequently.

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