
Ex-Convent of the Piarists

The building now houses the municipal offices, is certainly one of the most beautiful late-Baroque heritage. Built in 1698 by Julius II, Duke of Palma and Prince of Lampedusa, was completed on December 8, 1712, feast of the Immaculate Mary and Cardinal Giuseppe Tomasi turned him over to the Fathers of St. Joseph Calasanz Piarists who settled the Institute of Pie in 800 schools that became a real University attended by several scions of the aristocracy island. Leaning against the palace is the Church of the Holy Family with it, constitutes a unique architectural complex.

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Meteo Agrigento

5 - Itineraries Parks literary

The province of Agrigento land of great writers and poets

4 - Itineraries Castels Chiaramontani

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