
Building Ducal

Belongs to the period in which the hegemony of the aristocracy sanctioned role in marking its presence in houses with austere and solemn.
The interior is enhanced by beautiful seventeenth-century wooden ceilings, including the most important are those at the center of the rooms where the crests of the Tomasi emerge.
Among the decorative elements that are repeated the most are the stylized braids are a transposition of links in the chain. Another recurring theme in the decoration of the ceiling and the cross. There are crosses of all types. The country itself was founded on the day of the Invention of the Cross, May 3, 1637.
Tomasi I did represent the allegories in the coffered ceilings of their particular religious view.
Do not know the names of the architect and workers ..
The devotion to the crucifix that was also along the staircase of the ducal palace was again an interval before re-proposed a fresco of the Crucifixion of which few traces remain today.

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Meteo Agrigento

5 - Itineraries Parks literary

The province of Agrigento land of great writers and poets

4 - Itineraries Castels Chiaramontani

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