
Castle Favara - Agrigento

Castle Favara

 Built in the thirteenth century by Chiaramonte, testifies to the passage from the castle to the type of building. The Palace, as it is commonly called, evokes the type of the Swabians built castles in eastern Sicily, and you can even pull over to "Palacia" or "solacia" built by King Frederick II in Sicily and Puglia in the first half century.
 Its use is not strictly military but primarily residential is also due to the position of lower levels of the manor, which shows a first order and a second compact facade pierced by mullioned windows, some replaced, during the Renaissance by windows with architraves.

Tour of Castle Favara

 The ground floor rooms that housed warehouses, stables and the servants' quarters, are covered with barrel vaults and all overlook the courtyard through ogival doors while the outside walls are pierced by narrow slits. A plaque in the entrance hall entrance still bears a mysterious recording that the popular belief refers to a hidden treasure.

 Worthy of note are the chapel and the portal, flanked on each side by two columns and a polished marble frieze in low relief with winged cupids. The grounds of the Norman decorations echo clearly: in particular shafts and capitals evoke those of the cloister of the Duomo of Monreale.

 A curious legend that tells of a passage that connected the castle to the mountain Caltafaraci within which lived the goose that lays golden eggs. In fact, under the court of the Castle is a mysterious tunnel.

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