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Festival S. Angelo

S.Angelo summer festival 15 to 23 August in Licata (AG) in commemoration of the liberation of the plague epidemic of 1625.

From May 3 to 6 in Licata, near Agrigento, the festivities are held in honor of the patron Saint Angelo. On day 3 of the church of Sant'Angelo, placed on 5-meter high wooden towers, goes through the five major classes of free candles: massari, farmers, sailors, farmers and shepherds. On day 5, the relics of the saint outside the church, are carried on the shoulders, in turn, by the various classes in their traditional costumes. The event is linked three races: the first takes place between the faithful attached to each other while shaking the urn of the Saint to the cry of "Viva Sant'Angelo", the second concerns the candles that surmount their wooden towers. Finally, the race to bring the silver urn in the church of Santo. There still remains the custom among the peasants, to thank the saint for good harvests, leading to the church party with a mule harnessed to offer cash-in-chief that is delivered to the parish priest. During the three day festival at the main roads, there are the "stalls", a kind of huge market where the locals buy, walk and watch the singers and musicians in the square for the occasion, the town offers at his own expense. For the occasion, there are thousands of people who come from neighboring countries to attend the great feast of Licata.

January 11 Winter Festival. The January 11, 1693 a violent earthquake struck the Noto Valley and the eastern part of Sicily but spared the town of Licata, thanks to the intercession of the patron saint, St. Angelo.


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