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Festival of Taratatà

Festival of Taratatà - May 24 to 27 (annual festival) - City of Casteltermini (AG)

The Tatar, onomatopoeic name derived from the rhythmic sound of the drum is certainly among the most ancient folklores in the world and has unclear origins.
Many interpretations have been given to what is now a dance performed by the spectacular and overwhelming combatants armed with real swords.

There are three most credible hypothesis are intertwined;

- The first, the most archaic, is connected to the propitiatory dance
the fertility of the earth;
- The second, more valued, the dance of the Moors and Christians (Moorish)
then in reference to the presence Arab / Muslim in Sicily;
- Third, less mentioned but equally valid, the dance of Spatolatori Lino.

Whatever, its true origin is certainly attached to the discovery, even before the foundation of the country of Casteltermini, a wooden Cross celebrated to this day.
The world's oldest Early Christian Cross, as the oak, risulata be, after a careful examination of the carbon-14 of 12 AD

In reference to the first hypothesis, the Tatar, not surprisingly, is present in the month of May, in the heart of spring, and sees the dancers in full party wearing a crown of flowers. For a long time in the past, has remained in the popular consciousness, the notion that higher jumps were the dances and the wheat would grow higher. Ancient times, primitive rites took to favor crops, soil fertility, and real wealth of a unique past.
Every dance, then, turns into an armed struggle in a fundamental principle that associates a propitiatory rite of fertility testing racing, skill or physical strength and that is attributable to the eternal struggle between good and evil, between the life and death, between summer and winter. Not even the advent of Christianity was able easily to excel on the old pagan customs, die hard, especially in rural areas, having to tolerate a lot of ritual events, including dance, precisely, that only after many convictions he could "kick out of the temple," but in many regions is still apparent survival of archaic agrarian dances, adapted appropriately became incorporated into local religious festivals.
In 1980 the Tatar Toschi defines as a "representation issue in the competitive structure of which consists of the Moorish," and goes further by stating that it maintains some of the most archaic that launch the Tatar in a more distant past.
Toschi identifies "those soldiers who have headgear for a crown of flowers, the king and his entourage, and especially in the armed dance performed in small steps," elements of agricultural rites and festivals of spring their primitive religion.

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